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  1. Forums Forever

    How often do you rotate your plants?

    I am horrible about rotating plants. I should do it much more often so that they can thrive, but sadly, I cannot make it a habit.
  2. Forums Forever

    Parts are dry??

    Just so that you are aware, I do not think that "dumb" is the word that you were looking for. "Dumb" is an insulting word that means the same as "stupid." You may have meant "unclear." Just wanted to make sure that you didn't accidentally offend somebody.
  3. Forums Forever

    Electric composter

    It seems like introducing electricity to something that is supposed to be natural and eco-friendly is counter-intuitive. That's just my opinion.
  4. Forums Forever

    Is eating rhubarb good for you?

    Rhubarb is good, but as ZandraJoi pointed out, it is important to cook it to get rid of bacteria and other toxins.
  5. Forums Forever

    Sprinkler for Mint plants

    Drip is much better. Sprinkers are quite inefficient as ZandraJoi pointed out. It's quite the waste of water, which aside from being bad for the environment can also be quite inefficient in cost.
  6. Forums Forever

    Will it hurt my garden??

    Food waste is actually quite good for the soil. Composting is very good for the environment and is much better than filling up landfills with bags of trash.
  7. Forums Forever

    What do you do if you get brown ends on your spider plant?

    I always just prune the brown ends off spider plants. You can also use clippings to grow new spider plants which is fun.
  8. Forums Forever

    Can I grow indoor plant in my balcony?

    Yes, you will just need to find the right plant. Does it get a good amount of sunlight? There are still some options if you do not get much sunlight there.
  9. Forums Forever

    How does weeds spread?

    The most effective way is to pull weeds by hand. If you do not pull up the roots, they will just regrow. It is tedious and takes time, but it is the most effective way to do it.
  10. Forums Forever

    Growing Grass

    Grass looks nice, but I feel that it is better to allow native plants to grow. It is better for the ecosystem. Lawns are killing native species and insects.