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get rid of aphids in aquaponics?
How to get rid of aphids in aquaponics? What is a safe method?
I must say use neem oil and clean the plants from time to time, keep away the infected plants so it can not pass to other plants. Aphids are not good for plants as they spread fast and killing also very hard for us.
While I don't do aquaponics, I have had success as well with neem with liquid soap.
It's awesome to hear from [USER=127]@ZandraJoi[/USER] but I had a negative effect on this and sometime it worked with kerosene oil not permanently.
shilparamam, post: 2226, member: 61 Wrote:It's awesome to hear from [USER=127]@ZandraJoi[/USER] but I had a negative effect on this and sometime it worked with kerosene oil not permanently.
Might be different plants & bugs react differently.
I had did a search & interplanting items such as garlic & onions can help repel bugs naturally.

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