Every year we see a lot of farmers suicides because of their loss in farming.I have readed in several newspapers and watched in news but my thoughts are due to government laziness.I can describe why this farmer will get loss. Actually this farmer buy seeds or pests from fake shops and they wont work all the time also most of the rainy season the plants will get destroyed away in the rain.
Main factors: Government doesn’t provide loans to the farmers at reasonable prices because they take bribes to provide a rich farmer. government wont give education to farmer how should they manage with their money or crop. Their should be buyback value from the farmers.so that this farmers should not suicide.
My suggestion is farmers should learn about new world and environment instead of staying on their previous crops.Farmers should use mobile control equipments in order to facilitate water from time to time to crops from anywhere.Farmers should atleast learn some basic computing in order to survive their life and work easy.
A sample video from youtube